Transition from Kindergarten to School is an important time for students and their families. We pride ourselves on our extensive transition program and our connection with the Port Fairy Kindergarten. Our transition program begins in Term 2 with Education Week visits to school, followed by our Foundation teachers visiting the Port Fairy Kindergarten in Term 4 before the students come to school for various visits each November and December.
During these school visits our new Foundation student become comfortable with the Port Fairy Consolidated School environment. The students spend time with different teachers and classes to ensure they know what to expect at school when they begin the following year.
Along with our extensive transition program each Foundation child will have a year 6 buddy who is individually chosen to specifically suit their interests, strengths and challenges. The relationship that these two children will have is that of both a friend and mentor. Foundation children will be introduced to their buddy during our school transition visits. Prior to this, families can expect a range of communication including letters, cards and pictures as the Year 6 buddy introduces themselves to your family. This relationship is then continued throughout the Foundation year.