S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

STEM learning is an important part of our science curriculum. We undertake vibrant project based learning in our STEM inquiry program. Our students develop critical thinking skills, work independently or in collaboration with each other to solve problems and create innovative solutions. We used design thinking techniques in our STEM learning to support the students in their STEM design processes. Our students are encouraged to be practical innovators. Our focus is to empower the next generation to be active problem solvers. We aim to ensure that students have an integrated understanding of STEM and discover how STEM helps us in everyday life. We are passionate about our STEM learning journeys.



Our Sustainable World program is a unique educational program which actively demonstrates the sustainability initiatives undertaken by the school. The science program highlights the use of renewable energy resources (wind and solar), sustainable gardens (organic kitchen garden and regional biodiversity), connection to the environment (Earth systems and ecosystem approaches) and waste reduction programs (zero waste and water replenishment). We are a 5 star sustainable school accredited by Resource Smart.

Our program seeks to connect students with their local and global environments encouraging a deeper understanding and appreciation for the natural world which surrounds and supports them.  The program identifies the main ecological issues that we face today as individuals and as a global community.

We progressively teach early, middle to upper primary students about the natural environment and show positive ways individuals and communities can protect and enhance our natural environment for future generations.